Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Nurturing Family

"hands" by thephotograhphyamuse
"kids" by Sesame Ellis

I got it all from my favorite book about the nurturing family.

1) A nurturing family expresses LOVE and SUPPORT all the time. You can be yourself. There is little or no "formal" behavior or phony politeness.

2) Family members are AFFECTIONATE with each other. They hug and kiss spontaneously and have fun together. They laugh at their own corny jokes.

3) They TALK about almost anything with almost anybody. Family members listen to each other and share feelings. There aren't many secrets.

4) There's NOISE. People laugh, scream, shout, and chuckle. Yet there's also quiet, not a hospital or graveyard-like silence.

5) They do things TOGETHER. There's a time for working together such as making meals or doing yard work and playing together such as going to the playground or playing a game.

Books are always your friend :)

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