I decided to be lazy today. I suppose I need to get most of my chores done; though, I don't feel like doing them. I have a mountainous pile of dirty laundry waiting for me to wash them. Brandon's toys are all over in the livingroom, family room, and even on the stairs! The kitchen floor doesn't look shiny anymore so I needed to wash, clean, and wax it. Geez! I still haven't started cleaning up our three bathrooms...They're screaming: germs are swarming here...you need to get rid of them! Our bedrooms are getting too messy because of all the stuff around... unmade beds with blankets on the top. Our dogs and cat enjoy nests on their own when we're not sleeping in. All of my family's dirty clothes are left on the floor, plus dust building up everywhere, shoes everywhere, and dishes not piled in the sinks that have to be washed since we need to use them for cooking. I'm grateful to have to a dishwasher! I was thinking..I can do that later. It always be repeated. I suppose that I need to stop quoting to myself: I will do that later. I guess I can start doing the housework bit by bit tonight when the moon is in the sky. Wish me a luck!