Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Debbie S. said...

Hi Deb Ann,

I love Peanuts! I need a day like Charlie Brown and Snoopy are having...just to sit by a lake and watch the clouds go by. Thanks for the peaceful post. :)

Debbie S.

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Hi Debbie!
It has been a long time. :) I need it, too for a peaceful time. Snoopy is my favorite cartoon character. I still have the stuffed snoopy and comic books of Charlie Brown and Snoopy.

Hugs to you, my friend!
Deb Ann

SpeakUp Librarian said...

Awww, I like your post too. I want to be right there next to them with my feet in the water and a root beer in my hand looking at cloud shapes in the sky.

You brightened my day.

* said...

Always liked Snoopy, especially as a kid :-)

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Yes! Snoopy is adorable, ha. :-)

Deb Ann and Hannah said...

Feet in the water and a root beer in the hand, looking at cloud shapes in the sky sound fantastic! I’d want that so much, I’m thinking about taking my kids over there at Glenmere Park.

It’s my pleasure that it brightens your day, Sarah.