Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life Isn't Planned

Life isn’t planned,

It’s an adventure.

Mistakes aren’t really mistakes,

they were meant to be.

Everything is meant to be,

but that’s up to God to decide what happens when.

I love the randomness in each day,

I love knowing that something might happen and take my breath away.

I hate knowing that tomorrow will be a Saturday,

or the 15th of July.

Why can’t it just dawn on us,

as the sun dawns on that day?

I love the feel of sand in between my toes,

and the sound of lapping waves.

I love the shimmer of sunlight,

on the newly fallen snow.

I love the beauty that shows,

on the breast of the horizon.

I love how unexpectedly it comes,

like a first kiss.

Rambling on, blushing,

then *Smack!* it happens.

I love how each day comes,

in a package differently wrapped by day.

One time it’ll be a shimmery silver wrapping,

with a pink ribbon tied in a bow.

The next time it’ll be wrapped up in black,

with a faint yellow.

Promising that,

this too shall pass.

Lastly, I love how music never ceases to amaze,

my wonders.

One word after another,

knowing it’ll end.

One note after another,

knowing what comes next.

But who really knows music?

Who really knows love?

Who really knows life?

God knows.

But we’re not God.

So live,

live with no expectations.
~written by my youngest daughter, Hannah :)