Monday, November 26, 2007

Our Greeting Card from 2002

When I sorted out the Christmas boxes, I let the kids set up the Christmas tree. I found the photo on our greeting card that was taken in Fulton, Illinois by the Mississippi River. You can see the windmill behind us on the photo. It's a replica of those in Holland. The photo was taken in 2002 before my 4th child was born. At that time, we took a two-week vacation to Jacksonville, Illinois for Tom's 35th High School Reunion at ISD and came to see a lot of places: The Gateway Arch (St. Louis, MO), The Sears Tower (Chicago, IL), Abe Lincoln's homes ( New Salem & Springfield, IL), and a lot more! By the way, we visited Tom's old school and we had a chat with his classmate, Jim (from Fookem and Bug Site) and his wife. He introduced us to meet his son, Jason who is the vlogger on their site. It was about five years ago! Anyway, we had a wonderful vacation and my kids want to go there again. Hopefully we will do it once more soon!

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